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Emily Reviews

I used to love reading, and want to re-find that joy. I read books from NetGalley, and will be putting my reviews of the ARCs here, as well as other books I read.

Stay a Little Longer

— feeling amazing
Stay a Little Longer - Dawn Lanuza

I really liked this book.

It felt real, not because of the events, but because of how the characters felt. I've been in a sort-of long distance relationship and a lot of the feelings, worries, concerns, about starting one felt incredibly real and emotional. I read this whole book with my boyfriend in the back of my mind, despite the fact our stories aren't really that similar. The way these characters felt about each other, however, was. I even highlighted one line, which I never do, because it resonated with me so much - "I'd been counting wrong the whole time". When you only have a small amount of time with someone, a little change in plans can feel incredibly jarring. I loved how Elan and Caty's relationship developed. It wasn't instant and it wasn't immediately all-encompassing. They worked their way up through the weird friendship stage first. The section of text messages was beautiful, showing simple conversations that people who can't see each other have. It was a lovely quick way of developing the relationship.
Overall this book was very emotional to read, hit close to home, felt realistic, and I would definitely read other books by this author, and maybe more of the #romanceclass books.